Enjoy OIKOS Run Music
OIKOS Banana Campaign
Collaboration between music and OIKOS to make sports fun and efficient
Danone OIKOS, a high protein, drainable yogurt that supports people who are physically active, has a new seasonal product for winter 2019, Danone OIKOS Fat 0 Banana. Since bananas contain essential nutrients for runners, the "Oikos Run music" campaign was launched in collaboration with Licaxxx, banvox, U-zhaan + Hasunuma Shuta. For a limited time, you can listen to original running songs by the artists, with Licaxxx creating songs for morning runs, banvox for night runs, and U-zhaan and Hasunuma Shuta for cool-down runs.
<Outline of the campaign>
Oikos Run music
Music theme and participating artists
・Morning Run x Licaxxx
Concept: A perfect song for your morning run, to start your day off right.
・Night Run x banvox
Concept: A light and lively song with a sense of speed. Let yourself go and run through the city at night.
・Cool Down x U-zhaan + Hasunuma Shuta
Concept: Cool down while gradually slowing down the pace. Breathe and replenish your protein with Oikos.
高タンパク質で体を動かす人々を応援する水切りヨーグルト「ダノンオイコス」に、2019年冬の季節限定製品「ダノンオイコス 脂肪0 バナナ」が登場。バナナはランナーに欠かせない栄養素を含んでいることから、「オイコス ランmusic」キャンペーンが発足。Licaxxx、banvox、U-zhaan+蓮沼執太とコラボレーション。期間限定でアーティストによるオリジナルのランニングソングが聴けるというもので、Licaxxxが朝ラン、banvoxが夜ラン、U-zhaan+蓮沼執太がクールダウンをテーマに楽曲を制作。
オイコス ランmusic
Credit / CL : Danone
CD : Yoshishige Takei
SAD : Rie Takeuchi
AD : Asuka Kobayashi
CW : Shinya Haruhara
D : Mayuko Kondo